Bullitt County GenWeb

Quick Notes - Q-R

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Links shared below were last verified on 20 Oct 2020.


Quartermus, Elisha
1791 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.

Quartermus, James
1791 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
2 blacks over 16 / 4 total (no land details on this list)
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21, 2 blacks over 16 / 4 total
(no land details on this list)

Quartermous, Lewis
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, no land

Quartermous, S. M.
1836 witnessed the will of William Alexander in Bullitt Co. KY


Quick, Abraham & Margaret (Bishop)
1803 m. Margaret Bishop 7 Jul 1803 in Bullitt Co. KY
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
7 July 1803 m. Margaret Bishop in Bullitt Co. KY
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1823 purchases items at the estate sale of Samuel Stallings
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, Alfred & Susan (Hornbeck)
1836 Alfred m. Susan Hornbeck 25 Aug 1836 in Bullitt Co. KY - both were residents of Bullitt Co. KY

Quick, Andrew & Sally (Scott)
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1809 m. Sally Scott 30 Apr 1809 in Bullitt Co. KY
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, Benjamin & Martha (Woods)
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1806 m. Martha Woods 7 Jan 1806 in Jefferson Co. KY
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, Daniel
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, David & Jane (Dewit)
1804 m. Jane Dewit 23 Dec 1804 in Hardin Co. KY

Quick, Dennis/Teunis
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21 (no land details on this list)
1794 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 3 white males over 21. No land.
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white males over 21
1815 Inventory of estate of Thomas Allender returned 3 July 1815 by Samuel Hornbeck,
Solomon Hornbeck and Dennis Quick (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 138
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black under 16. No land

Quick, Dennis J. & Eliza Jane (Wheeler)
1812 Dennis J. born 30 Sep 1812
1848 Dennis m. Eliza Jane Wheeler, dau. of Rebecca Wheeler in Bullitt Co. KY 8 Mar 1848
officiating was George L. Rogers, minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church
1887 Dennis dies 19 Mar 1887 - buried in the Pennsylvania Run Presbyterian Cemetery,
Jefferson Co. KY

Quick, Ephraim & Polly (Quick)
1818 m. Polly Quick 29 Nov 1818 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, Eva
1850 - named by the Bullitt Co. KY court as a pauper

Quick, Jacob & Eleanor (Moore)
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1811 m. Eleanor Moore 23 Dec 1811 in Jefferson Co. KY
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY shows an Elleanor Quick living at Shelby City - is this the
widow of Jacob Quick?

Quick, James & Martha (Baxter)
1845 James m. Martha Baxter dau. of Jonathan Baxter in Bullitt Co. KY on 1 May 1845
D. L. Brook, Justice of the Peace in Bullitt Co. officiated.

Quick, Jesse
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY

Quick, John
1794 deed: John Quick to Joseph Cissell Nelson Co. Deed Bk 4 p. 862 (citation from Nelson Co. KY deed index)

Quick, Samuel & Ruth (Herriston)
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1811 m. Ruth Herriston 23 Aug 1811 in Bullitt Co. KY

Quick, Thomas & Sarah
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1801 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1802 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Quick, Thomas & Sarah (Rowland)
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1813 m . Sarah Rowland 31 Jan 1813 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1846 Susan Quick "dau. of Thomas (this Thomas?) married William A. Martin 24 Dec 1846
in Bullitt Co. KY. Minister was Robert Gailbreath, Baptist Minister

Quick, Tunis
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 16-21
(no land details on this list)

Quick, William & Mary Ann (Ferguson)
1838 William m. Mary Ann Ferguson 24 Feb 1838 in Bullitt Co. KY

Quick, William & Elizabeth (Baxter)
1845 Wm. m. Elizabeth Baxter, dau. of Jonathan Baxter 2 Jan 1845 in Bullitt Co. KY
marriage peformed by G. W. Miles, minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Quick, Mrs. Eleanor - see Bailey, James & Ellenor (___) (Quick)

Quick, Ruth - see Chapell, William & Ruth (Quick)


Quinn, Arthur
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 2 total.
161 acres on Cedar Creek first entered in the name J. Edwards
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY - 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16.
160 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY

Quinn, Fountain & Elitha (Wheeler)
1828 Fountain m. Elitha Wheeler 20 Dec 1828, d/o John C. Wheeler

McQuinn, James
1820 census Jefferson Co. KY

Quin, John
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 2 white males over 21 (no land details on this list)
1794 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 2 white males over 21
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16.
(no land details on this list)
1810 census Jefferson Co. KY

Quin, William
1820 census Hardin Co. KY


Quirk, James
1797 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on Guesses Creek first entered in the name of James Paton, Mark Thomas & Ben Pope


Radford, John
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Radford, Richard
1805 Moses Lambert charged with the murder of Richard Radford on "30th November
last" entered a plea of not guilty. The court rendered a verdict of not guilty
(Shelby Co. KY Court Orders - December Court, 1805)
1810 census Shelby Co. KY


Rager, Michel
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Ragland, Gideon
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 3 total


Ragsdale, Anthony
1810 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white tithable. 1 black under 16. No land.

Ragsdale, Godfrey
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Ragsdale, William
1810 census Shelby Co. KY


Reardon, Dennis
1794 tax list of Woodford Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
1830 census Franklin Co. KY - southern division

Reardon, Henry
supposed to have been born Prince Wm. Co. VA area
1794 tax list of Woodford Co. KY with 1 white male 16-21

Reardon, Henry Jr.
1794 tax list of Woodford Co. KY with 1 white male 16-21
it is odd that Henry Jr. is over 21 and "Henry" is 16-21 but that is what it says)

Rarden, Henry
1814 purchased 1 big wheel and some candles at the sale for the estate of Benjamin Lovelace, dec’d returned 16 May 1814 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 515) [note there is a problem reading the year on
this record and it may read 1817 - need to go back and check]
1818 appears for the first time on tax lists for Bullitt Co.KY with 1 white male over 21 and 100 acres on Wilsons Creek

Rardon, Henry & Priscilla (Barbour)
1843 Henry Rardon marries Priscilla Barbour, dau. of Charles Barbour, 19 Mar 1843
in Bullitt Co. KY - James Samuels, J.P.B.C. officiated

Rairdon, Jefferson & Fanny
1856 son Edwin dies 2 Oct 1856 on Salt River of Scarlet Fever - age age 7 years 5 months
1856 dau. Frances M. dies 2 Oct 1856 on Salt River of Scarlet Fever - age age 7 years 5 months

Raredon, John & Pauline (Ray)
1824 m. Pauline Ray 25 Sep 1824 in Bullitt Co. KY

Reardon, Joseph & Nancy (Searcy)
1791 Joseph Reardon marries Nancy Searcy 11 Oct 1791 in Woodford Co. KY
1794 tax list of Woodford Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.

Reardon, William & Sarah (Dickinson)
1832 William marries Sarah 26 Jan 1832 in Bullitt Co. KY (unclear if this is the date of the marriage or just when he got the license?)


Ranbarger, Daniel
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Ranbarger, Daniel & Margaret
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1853 death index of Jefferson Co. KY records the death of James Wm. Rinebarger
age 7 months, born on Resident of Floyds Fork, born on Mud C(reek?) s/o Daniel &
Margaret Ranbarger died March 1853 of thrush.

Rainbarger, David & Elizabeth (Long)
1848 David m. Elizabeth Long "dau. of John Long" 27 Sep 1848 in Bullitt Co. KY
George L. Rogers, Methodist Episcopal Church, officiated

Ranbarger, George
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (sp. Renbarger)
1805 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Ranbarger, Henry
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
(no land details on this list)
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1817 purchased a big wheel, candles and a Buckett at the estate sale of
Benjamin Lovelace dec'd returned 17 Feb 1817 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 513)
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. 185 acres on Rolling Fork in Bullitt Co.
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Rainbarger, Henry & Celia Elizabeth (Thompson)
1844 Henry m. Celia Elizabeth Thompson 29 Oct 1844 in Bullitt Co. KY "dau. of John Thompson"
marriage peformed by George W. Crumbaugh, Methodist Episcopal Minister

Ranbarger, John & Hannah (Hawes)
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1816 m. Hannah Hawes 28 Jul 1816 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY, 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Ranbarger, William & Delia (Dover)
1815 m. Delia Dover 5 Apr 1815 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY, 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1842 dau. Margaret Rainbarger m. Joseph Gentry 25 Oct 1842 in Bullitt Co. KY -
George L. Rogers, minister

Rainbarger, W. & Frances (Webb)
1842 W. m. Frances Webb, d/o Augustus Webb 27 March 1842 - Robert Gailbreath officiated

Ranbarger, Caty - see Southard, William & Caty Ranbarger
Ranbarger, Nancy - see Merritt, Lewis & Nancy (Ranbarger)
Ranbarger, Peggy - see Dougherty, James & Peggy (Ranbarger)


Ramey, Levi & Ellen (Cooper)
ca 1798 Ellen Cooper is born d/o Samuel & Hester (Lindsey) Cooper


Ramsey, Bartholomew
1810 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Ramsey, Benjamin
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Ramsey, Freeman & Nancy (Harris)
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 lot in Mt. Washington
1836 m. Nancy Harris 1 Dec 1836 in Bullitt Co. KY

Ramsey, James
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ramsey, John
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Wm. Bush
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Wm. Bush
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Ramsey, Seth & Lucy (Hiatt)
1790 m. Lucy Hiatt 6 Feb 1790 in Lincoln Co. KY
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 200 acres on Beech Creek
first entered in the names of Curd & Pryor

Ramsey, Seth G. & Polly (Robertson)
1824 m. Polly Robertson 7 Sep 1824 in Spencer Co. KY
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Ramsey, Thomas
1810 census Jefferson Co. KY


Randell, Henry & Nancy (Bennett)
1787 m. Nancy Bennett 28 Aug 1787 in Nelson Co. KY
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1820 census Shelby Co. KY (all the same one?)

Randall, John
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Randall, Amy - see Kendall, Yelly & Amy (Randall)
Randal, Sally - see Porter, John & Sally Randal


Raney, William
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
50 acres on Knob Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Aaron Atherton


Rapier K. (?) James
1797 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 10 total
738 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Peter Shepherd

Rapier, William
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16. No land.


Ratchford, Robert
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Ratcliff, Alexander & Eliza (Bryant)
1809 m. Eliza Bryant 20 Jun 1809 in Shelby Co. KY
1810 census Shelby Co. KY (spelled Ratliff)

Ratliff, Charles
1810 census Shelby Co. KY
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
174 acres on Coxes Creek, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Tombleston

Ratcliff, Charles & Betsy (Stone)
1806 m. Betsy Stone 10 Oct 1806 in Nelson Co. KY
1810 census Nelson Co. KY
1812 tax list of Nelson Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 77 acres on Coxes Creek, Nelson Co. KY
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 21 / 2 total
174 1/4 acres on Coxes Creek in Bullitt Co. KY
1823 m. Polly Cuppy 28 Aug 1823 in Nelson Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land.
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 174 acres on Rock Run
1863 Deed from Casper Herps of Bullitt Co. KY to Charles Ratliff of same dated 9 May 1863
for the sum of $100.00 a tract of land in Bullitt Co. on the waters of Long Lick Creek
and west Fork of Coxes Creek bordering lands of Isaac Newkirk, Hiram Troutman,
"Platt's Corner". Recorded 18 May 1863 [Bullitt Co. Deed Bk P ]
(are these all the same Charles?)

Ratcliff, Isaiah & Ann (Scott)
1811 m. Ann Scott 20 Sep 1811 in Shelby Co. KY

Ratcliff, Samuel & Kitty (Scott)
1806 m. Kitty Scott 14 Aug 1806 in Shelby Co. KY
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21. No land.
1810 census Shelby Co. KY (spelled Ratliff on this census)
1821 Release of Dower: Jemima Brady / Samuel Ratcliff
(Shelby Co. Deed Bk R p. 286) (source: Shelby Co. Deed Index)


Rathbone, Thomas
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Rawlings, Aaron
1810 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rawlings, Aaron
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Rawlings, Edward
1810 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rawlings, Edward
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Rawlings, Henry
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Rawlings, Isaac
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Rowlan, James
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Rollins, Jane
1810 census Jefferson Co. KY

Rawlings, John
1835 will of Paul Razor left in Shelby Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY - 1 white male over 21. 92 acres on Knob Creek
also taxed for 103 acres as admr. of estate of Meshak Carter

Rowling, John
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
157 1/2 acres on Floyds Fork

Rawlings, John
1810 census Washington Co. KY
Rowland, Johnston
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21

Rawlings, Lewis
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 90 acres (no details)
(sp. Rollings)
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land.

Rawlings, Lewis
1872 W. M. Cook files bond in Bullitt Co. to marry Julania C. Rawlings 5 Oct 1872. Surety was
H. W. Cahoe. License says groom was a resident of Bullitt Co. KY age 24 "past", his 1st
marriage, born in Spencer Co. parents born KY. Bride was 21 years, resident of Bullitt Co.
it was her first marriage. She was b. KY and her parents born KY. They married 6 Oct
1872 at the residence of Lewis Rawlings in Bullitt Co. KY. Wits: J. W. Arnold & Horace W.
Cahoe. J. L. Hoke signed the marriage certificate.

Rawlings, Moses
1810 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rowland, Samuel
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Rawlings, Stephen
1810 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rawlings, Stephen
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Rawlings, William
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Rowland - see Quick, Thomas & Sarah (Rowland)


Ray, Aaron & Margaret (Gobin)
ca 1784 Aaron Ray born in VA
1809 Aaron Ray marries Margaret Gobin 2 March 1809 Shelby Co. KY
1837 will of Aaron Ray left in Bullitt Co. KY

Ray, Aaron
1840 Peter Snorder marries Sarah Ann Ray "dau. of Aaron Ray" 16 Jan 1840
in Bullitt Co. KY - James Samuels J.P. B.C. officiated
1840 Joseph Stark marries Susan Ray "dau. of Aaron Ray" 4 Feb 1840
in Bullitt Co. KY - James Samuels J.P. B.C. officiated

Ray, Absalom
1792 tax list of Washington Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 400 acres
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Ann
1810 census Jefferson Co. KY

Ray, Benjamin
1792 tax list of Washington Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 840 acres
April 1807 - mentioned in the accounts of the estate of Daniel Hook (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 48)]
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Francis
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, John
1792 tax list of Washington Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 512 acres
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, John
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, John S.
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, John
1810 census Jefferson Co. KY

Ray, Joseph
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Joseph
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Matthew
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Ray, Nicholas
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Richard & Susannah (Royal)
1792 tax list of Washington Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 400 acres
1793 m. Susannah Royal 2 Apr 1793 in Washington Co. KY
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Samuel
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Samuel
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Ray, Stephen
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, William
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Ray, Pauline - see Rairdon, John & Pauline (Ray)


Raymond, Alexander & Mary Frances (Powell)
ca 1823 Alexander is born in KY
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 & 95 acres on Salt River
1850 census Bullitt Co. KY - Alexander listed in Household 914 , the home of Henry & Susan F. McCullough
1854 Alexander marries Mary Frances Powell 28 Mar 1854 in Henderson Co. KY

Raymon, Andrew & Barbara (Barbary)
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
276 acres in Bullitt Co. on Coxs Creek, first entered in the name of George Harrison.
1804 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 (spelled Raymond) and
225 acres on Coxs Creek first entered in the name of Harrison
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1812 will of Andrew Ramon left in Bullitt Co. KY
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY - Shepherdsville
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with no tithables, 275 acres on Coxs Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
first entered in the name of Harrison

Raymond, Andrew J.
1840 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Raymond, F R
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
370 acres on Salt River, Bullitt Co. KY

Raymond, Frederick Sr. & 1. ____ 2. Anna
ca 1795 Frederick Raymond is born in KY
ca 1800 Ann is born in KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (called "Fred" on this list)
1840 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 & 100 acres on Coxes Creek
1842 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 & 100 acres on East Fork
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 & 100 acres on East Fork
1850 census of Bullitt Co. KY - Household 556

Raymond, Frederick Jr. & Malsena (Brooks)
ca 1831 Malsena Brooks is born in KY
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY lists Frederick Jr. with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1852 Frederick Jr. marries Malsena Brooks 6 May 1852 in Bullitt Co. KY

Raymond, George & Mariah
ca 1816 George Raymond is born in KY
1840 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 96 acres
1842 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 94 acres on East Fork
1850 census of Bullitt Co. KY - Household 438
1859 dau. Nancy Jane marries Frederick Harshfield 3 Feb 1859 in Bullitt Co. KY

Raymond, Jacob & Elizabeth (Bell)
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY - Shepherdsville
1822 m. Elizabeth Bell 21 Apr 1822 in Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1840 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 30 acres on Cox Creek

Raymond, James M.
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Raymond, Jeremiah
1842 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Raymon, John
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY - Shepherdsville
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
150 acres on Coxes Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.
150 acres on Salt River, Bullitt Co. KY
1828 will of John Raymon left in Bullitt Co. KY

Raymon, John & Margaret
1836 deed from John & Margaret Raymon to John Hardman for land on the South side
of Salt River in Bullitt Co. KY

Raymond, John
1840 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 400 acres on Salt River
1842 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 110 acres on Salt River
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 110 acres on East Fork

Rayman, John R. & Melissa A. (Greenwell)
1873 John R. Raymon files marriage bond 29 Sep 1873 in Bullitt Co. to marry Melissa A.
Greenwell. William Greenwell was surety. License says John was a resident of Bullitt Co.
age 19 years, his first marriage, born Bullitt Co. KY with parents b. KY. The bride was also
a resident of Bullitt Co. KY, age 17 years, this was her first marriage. She was born in IL
her parents born KY. The couple married 2 Oct 1873 at Pitts Point in Bullitt Co. Wits:
Thomas Horrell and James Hays. W. W. Willett officiated.

Raymon, Quinton & Catharine B.
ca 1812 Quinton Raymon is born in KY
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1850 census of Spencer Co. KY Household 135 Quinton is living in the household of
Joseph & Sarah Hardman. Also living with the Hardmans is Elizabeth Ash age 33 b. KY
1880 census Spencer Co. KY (he says his father was born PA)

Raymond, William
1842 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 175 acres on East Fork

Raymond, Agnes - see Thompson, John & Agnes (Raymond)

Raymond, Sarah - see Connell, John & Sarah (Raymond)


Razor, Jacob
1810 census Hardin Co. KY
1835 will of Paul Razor left in Shelby Co. KY

Razor, Paul
1810 census Shelby Co. KY


Resson, Joseph
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
(he is next to William Reasnor and am not certain of Joseph's last name but it looks like Re (old style double s) on.

Rosson, Jesse
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 4 blacks over 16 / 11 total. No land.


Reasor, Michael & Anna
1760 Michael is born 3 Feb 1760 - he had been in Frederick Co. VA [do not know
if he was born there]
1800 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 and 100 acres on Guesses Creek
1815 John Galloway marries Hannah Reazor (Reasor) 2 Jan 181- (1815? 1812?) in Shelby Co. KY
Bondsman was Michael Reasor
1843 Michael dies 11 Jun 1843 in Spencer Co. KY

Reasor, Josiah
1830 Will of Basil Bennett left in Spencer Co. Ky Witnessed by Josiah Reasor and Jos. Readman.
Recorded 8 Mar 1830 Matilda was executrix with Stillwell Heady her security.
(Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 152)

Reasnor, William
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Reaugh, Arsena Katharine Lanham
1832 Allen Patterson and Margaret his wife of Spencer Co. KY of the one part to Paulina
Susanna Dyer Reaugh and Arsena Katharine Lanham Reaugh of the County of Jefferson KY
for the sum of $250 sell a tract of land on Goose Run, branch of Salt River in Spencer Co.
Dated 30 Sep 1832. Recorded 3 Oct 1833 [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk C p. 407]

Reaugh, Jane
1840 Jefferson Co. KY

Reaugh, John
1830 Jefferson Co. KY

Reaugh, Mary
ca 1800 Mary b. KY
1840 census Jefferson Co. KY
1850 census Jefferson Co. KY

Reaugh, Matthew
ca 1812 Matthew Reaugh is born in KY
1840 Jefferson Co. KY
1850 census Jefferson Co. KY

Reaugh, Paulina Susanna Dyer
1832 Allen Patterson and Margaret his wife of Spencer Co. KY of the one part to Paulina
Susanna Dyer Reaugh and Arsena Katharine Lanham Reaugh of the County of Jefferson KY
for the sum of $250 sell a tract of land on Goose Run, branch of Salt River in Spencer Co.
Dated 30 Sep 1832. Recorded 3 Oct 1833 [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk C p. 407]


Rector, Benjamin
1810 census of Nelson Co. KY

Rector, Daniel
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.

Rector, Nathaniel "Nat"
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1837 purchased 2 bushels of potatoes at the estate sale of David Sliger dec'd
24 Mar 1837 in Bullitt Co. KY (Bullitt Co. Will Bk C p. 4)


Redding, John
1796 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21
21 Jun 1806 Purchased items at the estate sale of Thomas Boteler, dec'd (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 44)
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21. No land.
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reddin, Joseph
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Redding, Reuben
1810 census Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Redding, Timothy
1810 census Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY


Redgil, Lewis
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Reddish, Joseph
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Redman, Bennett & Mary (Porter)
1818 m. Mary Porter 4 Feb 1818 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Redman, Esther
1810 census Washington Co. KY

Redman, George Sr.
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Hardin Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY
1824 Estate sale for the estate of Richard Irwin taken 2 July 1824 in Spencer Co. KY includes
"one note on George & Thomas Redmond" (Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 3)

Rodman, Hugh
1808 he is fined $3 for contempt of court in Shelby Co. (Shelby Co. KY Court
Orders for Nov Court, 1808)

Redman, John T. & Sally (Murphy)
1793 m. Sally Murphy 10 Sep 1793 in Nelson Co. KY

Redmon, John Sr.
1810 census Nelson Co. KY
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 105 acres on Chaplin
first entered in the name of Jesse Davis

Redman, Joseph & Lucy (Bennett)
1807 m. Lucy Bennett 3 Sep 1807 in Nelson Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY
1830 Will of Basil Bennett left in Spencer Co. Ky Witnessed by Josiah Reasor and Jos. Readman.
Recorded 8 Mar 1830 Matilda was executrix with Stillwell Heady her security.
(Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 152)

Redman, Ledstone
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Redman, Peggy
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with no tithables - 500 acres on Knob Creek, Hardin Co. first
entered in the name of Christy Miller (ie Christopher Miller)

Redman, Richard & Elizabeth (Brewer)
1792 m. Richard Redman 22 Dec 1792 in Nelson Co. KY
1810 census Nelson Co. KY

Redman, Robert
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Redman, Solomon
22 Oct 1757 wife Mary is born
4 Apr 1844 wife Mary dies - buried Norman Cemetery at Elk Creek, Spencer Co. KY

Redman, Thomas
1796 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 2 white male over 21. 1 16-21, 1 black over 16
500 acres on Knob Creek, Hardin Co. KY
800 acres on Pittmans Creek, Lincoln Co. KY first entered in the name of James Cruley
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Redman, Thomas
1810 census Nelson Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY
1824 Estate sale for the estate of Richard Irwin taken 2 July 1824 in Spencer Co. KY includes
"one note on George & Thomas Redmond" (Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 3)

Redman, Vincent & Mary
1820 census Shelby Co. KY
1825 Deed: Vincent Redman of Spencer Co. KY to John Mitchell - $22 for a tract in "Mt Eadon"
"known as lot $788 lying South of Main Street adjoining the Publick Square" written 20 Feb 1825
Recorded 22 Feb 1825 (Spencer Co. Deed Bk A p. 105)
1834 Vincent & Mary Redman of Spencer Co. sell for $900 a parcel on Bucks Creek (possibly Beech
Creek) dated 7 Apr 1834 recorded 13 Apr 1837 (Spencer Co. Deed Bk D p. 393)

Redmon, William
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on the Roling Fork

Redman, William & Nancy (Herron)
1810 census Nelson Co. KY
1814 m. Nancy Herron 12 Feb 1814 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY
1834 Deed from John Scott of Nelson Co. KY to William Redmon of Spencer Co. KY
for $200 a parcel of land in Spencer Co. containing 150 acres "on the north bank of
Salt River" bordering "Hinton's Line". Wits: James R. Miller & Vallears. Sweasey
Written 9 Aug 1833 / Recorded 3 Sep 1834 [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk D p. 1]


Reece, George
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
(no land details on this list)


Reed, Alexander
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, Barnard
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, Caleb
1797 bought a wheel at the estate sale of Jonah Glover 15 Nov 1798
(Shelby Co. KY Will Bk 1 p. 72)
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, David
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 100 acres
1797 witnesses to the will of John Whitaker : Josiah Herbert, David (X) Reed, John Stilwell
and Jonah Glover. Recorded March Court 1798 (Shelby Co. Will Bk 1 p. 39)
1798 Admr. estate of Jonah Glover were France Glover, David Reed and William McCoy (Shelby Co. Will Bk 1 p. 68)
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Read, Edward
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Bacon Creek
first entered in the name of M. Walton
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Read, George
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black under 16.
230 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Sam'l ____

Read, George
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 50 acres on Nolinn Creek

Reed, George
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY

Read, Hansley/Hensly
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21
200 acres on Otter Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of I. Morrison
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21
200 acres on Otter Creek first entered in the name of Isaac Morrison
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Reed, Harmon
1798 Conrod Walters and Grace his wife of Hardin Co. Ky to Harmon Reed of Warren Co. KY
$700 for 330 acres of land in Warren Co. KY on Sinking Creek written and recorded 3 Dec 1798
(Hardin Co. KY Deed Book A p. 367)

Reed, Jacob
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Reed, James & Susanna (Cox)
1799 m. Susanna Cox 29 Aug 1799 in Nelson Co. KY

Reed, James & Rachel (Vittitow)
1805 m. Rachel Vittitow 14 Jul 1805 in Nelson Co. KY

Reed, James
1838 will of Samuel S. Lansdale left in Bullitt Co. KY is witnessed by James Reed and John Ditto Sr.

Read, John & Sally (Foster)
1785 m. Sally Foster 10 Jul 1785 in Nelson Co. KY

Read, John
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Read, John
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
200 acres in Nelson Co. KY first entered in the name of Swan & Chinn

Reed, John & Delia (Charles)
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1811 m. Delia Charles 16 Jan 1811 in Bullitt Co. KY

Reed, John & Ann
leaves will in Hardin Co. KY "I John Reed of Frederick County and State of Maryland" bequeaths
to wife Ann 3 Negroes: one woman named Liddy for the term of 15 years then to be set free
one Negro boy Harry about 8 years old and one Negro Girl Liza along with various household
items - son George Nelson to have one Negro woman named Lott, to dau. Easter $100 when she arrives
at full age. $100 to dau. Ann when she arrives at full age. $100 to dau. Mary when she arrives
at full age. Son William Perry to receive $200 from brother George Nelson, money he owed his father.
Son John Alfred one Negro boy named John. Son Joseph one Negro Boy named Bill.
Son George Nelson to have his father's blacksmith Tools to be held in trust for the use of "my
son Archibald Anderson". $200 to son Thomas. Son John supposed to pay his mother $105
that he owed his father. Wife Ann sole exec. written 8 July 1811 John (X) Reid. Filed in both
Frederick Co. MD and Hardin Co. KY. Probated 15 Jul 1811 (Hardin Co. Will Bk B p. 98)

Reed, John
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Reed, Joseph
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
200 acres in Nelson Co. KY first entered in the name of Swan & Chinn

Reed, Joseph
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
(no land details on this list)

Read, Joseph
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
186 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Wm. Johnson

Reed, Joseph & Susan
1850 dau. Eliza Jane marries 4 Apr 1850 in Bullitt Co. KY. R. W. Deats J.P.B.C. officiated
(Joseph is dec'd by this time as Jane is described as "dau. of Susan Reed"
dau. Hester Ann marries Meeker Thurman (have not found the marriage yet)

Reed, Joshua
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, Lewis
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
(next to Hensley & Robert Reed on this list)

Reed, Margaret
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 2 blacks over 16
120 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY

Read, Philip
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 5 blacks over 16 / 7 blacks total
327 acres on Otter Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of I. Morrison
200 acres on Otter Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of I. Morrison
1000 acres on Short Creek, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Rowling
1200 acres on Rough Creek, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Rowling
325 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY fiirst entered in the name of J. Deacon.
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 7 blacks over 16 / 13 total
350 acres on Otter Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of I. Morrison
325 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY fiirst entered in the name of James Deacon.
1000 acres on Rough Creek, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Rowling
1200 acres on Rough Creek, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Rowling
5000 acres on Salt Lick and Christey Creeks, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of George Wilson
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Read, Robert
1812 Robert Read vs. Edward Hatfield - appeal from magistrate's judgement
[Hardin Co. KY Court Orders 13 Apr 1812]
1813 ordered that Noah Gorden be appointed commissioner of the revenue tax
for the present year in the bounds of Capt. Robert Read's Company
[Hardin Co. KY Court Orders 8 Feb 1813]

Reed, Robert & Betsy (Charles)
m. Betsy Charles 3 Sep 1815 in Bullitt Co. KY

Read, Robert
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (next to Hansley & Philip Read)
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1810 census Hardin Co. KY

Reed, Susannah
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, Thomas
1810 census Shelby Co. KY

Reed, William
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
200 acres on Salt River, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Cameron

Reed, William & Ruth (Glover)
1804 m. Ruth Glover 29 Mar 1804 in Nelson Co. KY

Reed, William
1810 census Shelby Co. KY


Reece, George
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 2 lots in Louisville, Jefferson Co. KY
(no count of tithables on this list)


Relph, Elizabeth
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 no white tithables, 2 blacks over 16 / 3 total


Renfro, Moses
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Reynolds, Albert/Elbert & Mary Catherine (Snider)
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
ca 1815 b. KY
1830 m. Mary Catherine Snider 22 Jan 1830 in Spencer Co. KY
1834 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land. (spelled Runnolds)
1840 census Spencer Co. KY

Rennolds, Branson & 1. Permelia Hutson/Huston 2. Eliza Nation
1835 m. Permelia Hutson/Huston 15 Jan 1835 in Spencer Co. KY
1840 census Spencer Co. KY
1847 m. Eliza Nation 30 Sep 1847 in Spencer Co. KY

Runnels, Barnabe
1817 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, no land.

Reynolds, Bartlett
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Reynolds, Charles
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. 140 acres on Harrods Creek
first entered in the name of Isaac Hite

Reynolds, Enoch 1. Rosey (Sutt) 2. Isabel
Stokes/Surry Co. NC>KY>Knox Co. IN
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
ca 1807 b. in NC
1824 m. Rosey Sutt 19 Oct 1824 in Spencer Co. KY - Adam Hostettler officiated
1826 Buyer at the estate sale of Christopher Sutt. 2 Nov 1826 (Spencer Co. KY Will Bk A p 58)
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1831 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1850 census Spencer Co. KY
1860 census Knox Co. IN, Busseron Twp. p. 814
Enoch Reynolds age 54 b. NC, Isabel Reynolds age 56 b. VA, Polly Netherton age 54 b. KY

Reynolds, Enoch
ca 1825 b. KY s/o Richard & Susan (Bailey) Reynolds
1850 census Spencer Co.
1860 census Macoupin Co. IL

Reynolds, Greenberry & Nancy Vance (Coghill)
Stokes/Surry Co. NC>KY
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
ca 1806 wife Nancy Vance Coghill is born in Woodford or Shelby Co. KY d/o John & Hannah (Beasley)
17 Sep 1807 NC
1825 m. Nancy Coghill 31 Jul 1825 in Spencer Co. KY - Adam Hostettler officiated
1831 William Osburn marries Louisiana Coghill 8 Dec 1831 in Spencer Co. KY.
Greenberry Reynolds (her brother-in-law) was bondsman.
1831 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1838 deed from George & Elizabeth Hinton/Henton of Daviess Co. KY to Greenberry Reynolds
of Spencer Co. KY $275 for acres on Salt River in Spencer Co. KY, bounded by a tract
formerly owned by Richard Irvin. written 21 Jun 1838 and recorded first in Daviess Co. kY
(Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk C p. 629)
1840 census Spencer Co. KY
1860 census, Union Co. KY, Morganfield P.O.
HH 1326 Greenberry Reynolds age 54 b. NC, Nancy age 54 b. KY, Nancy age 17 b. KY
Henry L. age 13 b. KY
5 Oct 1864 Nancy (Coghill) Reynolds dies in Union Co. KY

Reynolds, Hugh
1813 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1820 census Nelson Co. KY
1830 census Nelson Co. KY

Runnells, James
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.

Reynolds, James
1840 census Nelson Co. KY

Reynolds, John
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, no land.
1817 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, no land.

Reynolds, Bartlett
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Reynolds, Lewis & Nancy (King)
ca 1820 b. KY s/o Robert & Susan (Bailey) Reynolds
ca 1827 wife Nancy King b. KY
1847 m. Nancy King 5 Apr 1847 in Spencer Co. KY
1850 census Spencer Co. KY
1860 census Macoupin Co. IL?

Reynolds, Lincoln
1802 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Reynolds, Mitchell & Damsel (Coghill)
Surry/Stokes Co. NC>KY
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
ca 1800 b. in NC
Ca 1805 wife Damsel Coghill is born in Woodford Co. to John & Hannah (Beasley) Coghill
1823 m. Damsel Coghill 13 Feb 1823 in Shelby Co. KY
1824 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 50 acres on Little Buck (Beech?) Creek
first entered in the name of Hollingsworth (spelled Runnells)
1834 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (spelled Runnolds) No land.
1840 census Spencer Co. KY
1840 Rebecca Franklin, widow & relict of James M. Franklin of Spencer Co. sells to Mitchell
Reynolds of same 200 acres on Crooked Creek formerly owned by the said James M.
[Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk E p. 203]
1841 Adin William, plaintiff vs. Mitchell Reynolds Deft - 27 Aug 1841
[Spencer Co. KY Court Minutes]
1850 census Nelson Co. KY shows Mitchell Reynolds age 50 b. NC
Damsel age 44, John C. age 21, Richard age 20, Nancy age 18, Green age 17,
Thomas age 15 and George B. age 8. All b. KY
1864 wife Damsel (Coghill) Reynolds dies 23 Jan 1864 age 60 years, 7 mo. 15 days
buried Friendship Cemetery, Curry Twp., Sullivan Co. IN,
1879 Mitchell Reynolds dies 21 Jan 1879 age 77 years - buried Friendship Cemetery,
Curry Twp., Sullivan Co. IN,

Reynolds, Richard
Bedford Co. VA?>KY
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on Harrods Creek
first entered in the name of Isaac Hite, 640 acres on the Beach Fork in Nelson Co. KY

Reynolds, Richard Sr. & Nancy/Ann / Anna
Surry/Stokes Co. NC>KY
ca 1760-1770 Richard is born in NC (per the 1840 census which lists him as 60-70 years)
cca 1760-1770 wife Nancy/Ann is born (per the 1840 census which lists her as 60-70 years)
ca 1791 dau. Rachel is born in NC
ca 1796 son Robert is born in NC
ca 1800 son Greenberry is born in NC
ca 1802 son Richard Jr. is born
ca 1803 son Thomas is born
ca 1804 dau. Nancy/Ann is born (she will marry Andrew Sutt)
ca 1807 son Enoch is born in NC
ca 1809 dau. Martha is born (she will marry Bennett Crafton)
ca 1813 dau. Elizabeth is born (she will marry John Nation)
1815 dau. Rachel Reynolds marries Levi Harrold 2 May 1815 in Stokes Co. NC
ca 1815 son Albert is born in NC or KY
1819 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land. (spelled Raynolds)
1820 census Shelby Co. KY 120311-02211
1824 Estate sale for the estate of Richard Irwin taken 2 July 1824 in Spencer Co. KY includes
"one note on John Irvin and R. Reynolds" (Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 3)
1824 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1830 census Spencer Co. KY 0001010001-000110001
1840 census Spencer Co. KY - the widow Nancy Reynolds as head of HH with
1 male 40-50, 1 female 40-50 and 1 female 70-80
(tradition gives Nancy/Ann as a Holmes but no record seems to provide proof)

Reynolds, Richard Jr. & Martha (McAllister)
Surry/Stokes Co. NC>KY
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
ca 1802 b. in NC
1821 m. Martha McAllister 14 Nov 1821 in Shelby Co. KY. Bondsman was James
McAllister, father of Martha
1824 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1830 tax list of Spencer Co. KY
1831 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Reynolds, Robert & Susan (Bailey)
probable eldest son of Richard & Nancy Reynolds
Surry/Stokes Co. NC>KY
ca 1796 b. in NC
ca 1799 wife Susan Bailey born in KY
1819 m. Susan Bailey 19 Aug 1819 in Shelby Co. KY
1819 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1824 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 200 acres on
Little Beech Creek first entered in the name of Briggs
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
250 acres on Beech Creek, Spencer Co. first entered in the name of Briggs
1830 census Spencer Co. KY 1221001-000001
1831 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
300 acres on Little Beech Creek, Spencer Co. KY, first entered in the name of Pope
1834 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (spelled Runnolds)
400 acres on Little Beech Creek, Spencer Co. KY, first entered in the name of Pope
1835 estate sale of Robert Reynolds 18 Sep 1835 (Spencer Co. Will Bk). Admr. of his
estate was Mitchell Reynolds
1840 census Spencer Co. KY Susan Rennolds as head of household
(possibly the same Robert Reynolds who first married Elisabeth Harrell/Herrold
in Stokes Co. NC 25 Feb 1809)
1850 census of Spencer Co. shows Susan Reynolds age 51, James age 19, Caroline age 17.
Emily J. age 16 and Robert age 14 all b. KY living next to sons Lewis Reynolds and Enoch

Reynolds, Sally
1808 Sally Reynolds, Guardian to Lucy, Alcy, Thomas and Jno. Reynolds made report.
Examined and agreed to by Andrew P. Lewis who has intermarried with Alcy Reynolds.
(Shelby Co. KY Court Orders July Court, 1808)

McReynolds, Samuel
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Reynolds, Thomas
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21, 1 black over 16 / 3 total
268 (?) acres on Tick Creek
1818 Deed: John C. Bridgewater / Thomas Rennolds
(Shelby Co. Deed Bk O p. 332) (source: Shelby Co. Deed Index) (or is this the Thos who m.
Nancy Ballard? or are they all the same Thomas?)

Reynolds, Thomas & Nancy (Ballard)
1815 m. Nancy Ballard 7 Dec 1815 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Reynolds, Thomas & Hannah (McAllister)
s/o Richard & Nancy Reynolds
Surry/Stokes Co. NC>KY>Lawrence Co. IN
ca 1803 b. in NC
1823 m. Hannah McAllister 7 May 1823 in Shelby Co. KY. Bondsman was James McAllister,
father of Hannah
1870 census Lawrence Co. IN , Flynn Twp. p. 373
HH 45 shows Thomas Reynolds age 63 b. NC, Caroline age 22 b. IN and Laura age IN b. KY

Reynolds, Thomas & Sophia (Sutton)
ca 1827 b. in KY (probably Spencer Co.) s/o Robert & Susan (Bailey) Reynolds
1841 m. Sophia Sutton 3 Mar 1841 in Spencer Co. KY

Reynolds, Thomas M. & Elizabeth (Seaton)
1852 dau. Virginia Reynolds is bornJune 1852 (source: Jefferson Co. KY Birth Registry)

Reynolds, Thomas
1802 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21

Reynolds, Wiley J. & Nancy
ca 1825 b. KY
1850 census Nelson Co. KY shows Wiley J. Reynolds age 25, Nancy age 17, Sarah T.
age 6 mo and Sarah E. age 13 all b. KY - living next to Mitchell Reynolds

Reynolds, William
1808 An account of Sally Rennolds against the orphans of William Reynolds Dec'd was produced
in court (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders, January Court, 1808)

Reynolds, William
ca 1786 William Reynolds is born in NC
1850 census a William Reynolds age 64 b. NC is living in the household of Bennett & Martha
(Reynolds) Crafton. Martha is a daughter of Richard Reynolds Sr. - could this be an uncle?

Reynolds, Elizabeth C. - see Nation, John & Elizabeth C. (Reynolds)

Reynolds, Martha - see Crafton, Bennett & Martha (Reynolds)

Reynolds, Nancy - See Sutt, Andrew & Nancy (Reynolds)

Reynolds, Rachel (d/o Richard & Ann) m. Levi Harrold 1815 in Stokes Co. NC

Reynolds, Susan m. Charles Wray in 1839


Rhea, Ann
1844 - Settled account of Lewis Blankebaker, admr. of the estate of Ann Rhea dec'd was
returned 2 Sep 1844 [Jefferson Co. KY Court Order Book 19]


Rhodes, James
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (spelled Rodes)

Rhodes, William
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 3 lots in Louisville, Jefferson Co. KY
(no count of tithables on this list)


Rice, Anderson & Sarah (Heaverhill/Heavenhill)
1820 Anderson Rice m. Sarah Heavenhill (?) 3 Mar 1820 in Nelson Co. KY

Rice, Anderson M. & Lydia M.
ca 1810 Anderson Rice is born
ca 1868 Anderson dies in Spencer Co. KY

Rice, Charles & Lucy (Sled)
1792 Charles Rice m. Lucy Sled 14 Nov 1792 in Shelby Co. KY

Rice, Daniel
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 959 acres in Mercer Co. KY

Rice, Edmund
1789 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 (no land details on this list)
1791 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 2 blacks over 16 (no land details on this list)
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 100 acres on Floyds Fork
1820 census Jefferson Co. KY

Rice, Elizabeth
1853 Elizabeth Rice, age 70 years, married, born / resided in Spencer Co. KY d/o Abraham
VanDyke died 10 May 1853 in Spencer Co. KY of Consumption (Source: Spencer Co. Death Register)

Rice, Isaac & Eleanor (Brite)
1801 Isaac m. Eleanor Brite 22 Nov 1801 in Shelby Co. KY

Rice, Jacob & Polly (Cooper)
1807 Jacob m. Polly Cooper 4 Aug 1807 in Shelby Co. KY

Rice, John & Margaret (McGee)
1809 John m. Margaret McGee 28 Feb 1809 in Shelby Co. KY

Rice, Jesse & Patsy (___) (Walker)
1806 Jesse m. Mrs. Patsy Walker 26 Jun 1806 in Shelby Co. KY

Rice, Joseph
1850 census Nelson Co. KY - District 1 Joseph Rice age 57 born KY, A. Rice (female) age 33 b. KY
C. Rice age 7 b. KY, S. (female) Rice age 5 b. KY, J. Rice (male) age 3 b. KY, William Rice age 1
b. KY (the ages vary from what they will be in 1860 but the names/initials match up)
1860 census Nelson Co. KY - District 2 Household 554 Joseph Rice age 59 with the following children:
Charles V. age 16, Sarah S. E. age 11, John age 10, William age 7, James age 6, Robert age 5
everyone in household born in Kentucky

Rice, R.
ca 1772 born in VA
1850 census Shelby Co. KY R. Rice age 77 years

Rice, William B.
ca 1784 William B. Rice is born iN VA
1850 census William B. listed in Nelson Co. KY age 65 years born VA


Richards, George
1810 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white tithable. No land.

Richards, William
1810 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white tithable. No land.


Richardson, Aaron
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21
100 acres on the Rolling Fork, Nelson Co. KY

Richardson, Eli
1815 Deed left in Bullitt Co. from Richard Davis "Attorney in fact for Thomas and Elizabeth Crenshaw
of Hanover Co. VA to Gideon Walker. Wits: Eli Richardson, Joseph Kennett and Jas. M. Collings

Richardson, William & Mary
1844 Mary Richardson, widow of William Richardson dec'd, Lucretia F. Richardson, John R. Franklin
and Nancy C. Franklin his wife, late Nancy C. Richardson, George W. McClain and Mary his wife,
Gabriel McAllister and Sarah his wife, late Sarah Richardson, Gilbert Bennett and Jane his wife,
George T. Hickman and Elizabeth his wife, and Isaac Hunt and Mary Anne his wife, late M. A.
Richardson, all of whom are heirs and devisees of William Richardson late of this county, dec'd
to William A. Richardson of Spencer Co. for the sum of seven Dollars per acre, 120 1/2 acres
in Spencer Co. KY. Dated 6 Mar 1844 Recorded 1st in Jefferson Co. KY and later
in Spencer Co. KY 2 Nov 1844 [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk G p. 47]

Richardson, William
1829 Peter and Dorcas Lyon of Spencer Co. sell to Elijah Lyon for the sum of one hundred
dollars a tract of 33 acres lying in Spencer Co. bounded by lands of William Richardson.
Wits: John Lyon and Benjamin Lyon. Dated 7 Oct 1829 - not recorded till 11 Dec 1830
[Spencer Co. Deed Bk C p. 11]

Richardson, William A.
1844 Mary Richardson, widow of William Richardson dec'd, Lucretia F. Richardson, John R. Franklin
and Nancy C. Franklin his wife, late Nancy C. Richardson, George W. McClain and Mary his wife,
Gabriel McAllister and Sarah his wife, late Sarah Richardson, Gilbert Bennett and Jane his wife,
George T. Hickman and Elizabeth his wife, and Isaac Hunt and Mary Anne his wife, late M. A.
Richardson, all of whom are heirs and devisees of William Richardson late of this county, dec'd
to William A. Richardson of Spencer Co. for the sum of seven Dollars per acre, 120 1/2 acres
in Spencer Co. KY. Dated 6 Mar 1844 Recorded 1st in Jefferson Co. KY and later
in Spencer Co. KY 2 Nov 1844 [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk G p. 47]


Richey, Abraham / Abram & Elizabeth Collings
1789 born in KY s/o John Richey who d. 1822
1806 m. Elizabeth Collings 21 July 1806 in Shelby Co. KY
she the d/o William Elston & Phoebe (Houghland) Collings
1808 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21.
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
64 acres on Elk Creek, Shelby Co. KY, first entered in the name of Wm. Meriwether
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1822 - sells or buys 74 acres on Elk Creek from/to Robert Richey (Shelby Co. Deed Bk S p. 447)
(from Shelby Co. deed index citation)

Richey, Anderson
1825 William L. Leonard guardian of Anderson Richey, infant orphan of James
Richey 14 Mar 1825. Robert Richey his security. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 7]

Richie, Cornelius
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 / 2 blacks total
136 acres on the Beech Fork
1813 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16
136 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
64 acres on Elk Creek, Shelby Co. KY, first entered in the name of Wm. Meriwether

Richey, David
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (spelled Ritchy)
150 acres on Bullskin, Shelby Co. Ky, first entered in the name of Patton

Richey, Elijah
1817 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, no land.
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 74 acres on Elk Creek
1839 witnesses the will of Jesse Ritchey in Bullitt Co. KY

Richey, Isaac & Catherine
1806 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1807 Isaac Richey vs Davis Clark "upon appeal" - Benjamin Clark claims a days
attendance. (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders, Dec. Court, 1807)
1814 purchases reep hooks at the sale for the estate of John Basey, dec'd
returned 19 Dec 1814 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 309)
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (spelled Isac)
81 acres on Elk Creek, Shelby Co. KY, first entered in the name of Wm. Meriwether
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1825 William Griffen "guardian of the infant heirs of Isaac Richey dec'd" makes report to court
(Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 22)
1825 William Griffen guardian of Nelson Richey, Amanda, Patsy & Shelby Richey
infant orphans of Isaac Richey - he entered into bond with Thomas Cook and Joseph
Richey his securities 14 March 1825. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 3]

Ritchey, Jacob & Mary (Martin)
1794 m. Mary Martin 25 Aug 1794 in Shelby Co. KY
1796 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1797 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1801 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1810 census of Shelby Co. KY
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Ritchie, James & Matilda (Nutterfee)
1820 m. Matilda Nutterfee 25 Nov 1820 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1825 William Leonard "guardian of the infant heirs of James Richey dec'd" makes report to court
(Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 22)
1825 William L. Leonard guardian of Anderson Richey, infant orphan of James
Richey 14 Mar 1825. Robert Richey his security. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 7]
(all the same James?)

Richey, Jesse & Hannah (Young)
ca 1807 born in KY
1829 m. Hannah Young 8 Jan 1829 in Spencer Co. KY
1831 purchased 1 Log chain & hoe at the estate sale of Joseph Stillwell 9 Jan 1832 in Spencer Co.
(Spencer Co. KY Will Bk A p. 249)
1833 deed - Moses V. Buckner & Rodah his wife of Jefferson Co. KY to
Jesse Richey of Spencer Co. $387.00 to be paid in several payments for a
tract of land on Plum Creek being part of land first entered to Drury Akers
and bordered by Adin Starks line. (Spencer Co. Deed Bk C p. 420)
1839 will of Jesse Ritchey left in Bullitt Co. KY
In HH 846 of the 1850 Bullitt Co. census, he is age 40 years
1860 census of Vigo Co. IN, Riley Twp. p. 806 shows Jesse B. Ritchey age 53 farmer
b. KY, Hannah age 47 b. KY, Rachel (no age) b. KY, Alfred age 12 b. KY
Caleb age 6 b. KY and Elisabeth age 35 b. KY

Richey, Jesse & Nancy (Clark)
1825 m. Nancy Clark 4 May 1825 in Spencer Co. KY - Wm. Stout officiated
1839 leaves will in Bullitt Co. KY
1840 Lawrence Roby Jr. marries Mrs. Nancy Ritchie "widow of Jesse Ritchie dec'd"
8 Aug 1840 in Bullitt Co. KY. G. W Crumbaugh, Methodist Episcopal minister, officiated

Richey, John
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 (spelled Ritche)
460 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in "his own name"

Richey, John & Elizabeth
1806 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 2 16-21 and 150 acres on
Salt River in Shelby Co. KY first entered in the name of (G.) Slaughter
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Salt River
1808 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Salt River
1813 deed: Isaac Miller to Jno. Richey 150 acres on Brashears Creek
Shelby Co. Deed Bk L p. 334 - citation from Shelby Co. Grantor Index)
1814 purchases a Grindstone at the sale for the estate of John Basey, dec'd
returned 19 Dec 1814 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 309)
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 2 total
202 acres on Salt River, Shelby Co. KY, first entered in the name of Wm. Meriwether
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1822 dies Sept. 1822 in Shelby Co. KY

Richey, John Jr.
1798 born KY s/o John Richey who d. 1822 in Shelby Co. KY

Richie, John
1813 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land. (2 Johns with no land on this list)

Richie, John & Jemima
1800 tax list of Bullitt Co. shows John & Archible Cameron paying tax on behalf of Anguish
Cameron for 178 acres on the Beech Fork in Nelson Co. KY first entered in
the name of John Richey
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16
214 acres on the Beech Fork
1813 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
214 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY (noted as John "Sr" on this list

Richie, John
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 / 3 blacks total
136 acres on the Beech Fork

Richie, John Jr.
1813 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Richie, John
1800 Will of Christiane Cameron left in Bullitt Co. 22 Dec 1802 - was witnessed by John Ritchie,
Richard Sutton, James Reid, Nicholas B. Porter and Henry Gentry.
(which John Ritchie is this?)

Richey, Joseph & Lydia (Wells)
s/o John Richey who d. 1822
1809 m. Lydia Wells 23 Aug 1809 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1825 William Griffen appointed guardian of Nelson Richey, Amanda, Patsy & Shelby Richey
infant orphans of Isaac Richey - he entered into bond with Thomas Cook and Joseph
Richey his securities. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 3]
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 133 acres on Elk Creek
moves to Scott Co. IN

Richey, Nelson
ca 1816 b. KY s/o Isaac & Catherine Richey
1825 William Griffen guardian of Nelson Richey, Amanda, Patsy & Shelby Richey
infant orphans of Isaac Richey - he entered into bond with Thomas Cook and Joseph
Richey his securities 14 March 1825. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 3]
1837 m. Martha Price 9 Mar 1837 9 Mar 1837 in Spencer Co. KY
moved to Scott Co. IN

Richey, Noah
1827 bondsman at the marriage of Lucinda Richey to John Woodard 23 Aug 1827 in Spencer Co. KY

Richey, Riley & 1)Sarah Ann Bennett 2) Leathy A. (____) Jewell
ca 1828 b. KY
1847 m. Sarah Ann Bennett 17 Nov 1847 in Spencer Co. KY
1860 census of Spencer Co. Taylorsville Precinct p. 445. Riley Richey age 32, blacksmith
Sarah age 31, John age 10, Mary age 8, Andrew age 6, Sarah age 3.
Also in HH is John Brisco age 16 apprentice blacksmith. Everyone in HH b. KY
1885 m. Mrs. Leathy A. Jewell 21 May 1885 in Spencer Co. KY

Richey, Robert & Elizabeth (Biggs)
ca 1803 born in KY
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1825 William L. Leonard guardian of Anderson Richey, infant orphan of James
Richey 14 Mar 1825. Robert Richey his security. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 7]
1827 deed in Spencer Co. between Robert Richey & Andrew Biggs
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land. - noted as Robert Sr.

Richey, Robert
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Richey, Shelby & Polly Ann (Ringo)
ca 1818 b. Shelby Co. KY s/o Isaac & Catherine Richey
1825 William Griffen appointed guardian of Nelson Richey, Amanda, Patsy & Shelby Richey
infant orphans of Isaac Richey - he entered into bond with Thomas Cook and Joseph
Richey his securities 14 March 1825. [Spencer Co. KY Guardianship Bond Book A p. 3]
1840 m. Polly Ann Ringo 22 May 1840 in Spencer Co. KY she the dau. of
William D. & Nancy (Marraty) Ringo
1840 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Richie, Thomas
1791 tax list of Jefferson Co. with 2 white males over 21 (no land details on this list)

Ritchey, Thomas
1789 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)
1796 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 and 148 acres on Jeptha Creek
first entered in the name of James Paton, Ben Pope & Mark Thomas
1800 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 and 150 acres on Jepsey Creek
1801 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 and 150 acres on Jeptha Creek
1810 census of Shelby Co. KY
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks under 16.
170 acres on Jeptha Creek, Shelby Co. KY, first entered in the name of Pope & Patton
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY
1827 indenture to bind out Angeline Richey, age 2 years, "orphan of Thomas Richey"
to Reuben Kemp to learn the art of a spinster

Ritchey, William
1796 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21 and 100 acres on Brashears
Creek first entered in the name of Humphrey May
1816 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census of Shelby Co. KY

Richey, William
1797 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1-16 (possibly the same shown in 1796
but he shows no tax on land for this list)

Richey, Amanda - see Patterson, James & Amanda (Richey)

Richey, Catherine - see Patterson, Griffen & Catherine (Richey)

Richey, Elizabeth - see Leonard, William & Elizabeth (Richey)

Richey, Lucinda - see Woodard, John & Lucinda (Richey)

Richey, Mary - see Phegley, Richard & Mary (Richey)

Richey, Nancy - see Crist, Robert & Nancy (Richey)

Richey, Rebecca - see Young, Elijah & Rebecca (Richey)


Rickerson, Timothy
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Ricketts, Elizabeth
5 Sep 1808 granddaughter named in Richard Allison's, will. She was the dau. of Robert & Ellenor (Alison) Rickets (Bullitt Co. Will Book A p. 59)

Rickets, Gerard
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Ricketts, Jonathan & Elizabeth (Shain)
ca 1775 Jonathan Ricketts born in VA
1800 m. Elizabeth Shain 26 Feb 1800 in Bullitt Co. KY
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
150 acres in Bullitt Co. on Wilson's Creek, first entered in the name of Samuel Smythe.
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Wilsons Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 293 acres in Bullitt Co.
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 2 blacks over 16 / 4 total
493 acres on Wilsons Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1850 census Jonathan head of household in Bullitt Co. KY - age 74 years

Ricketts, Jonathan & Gilly (Masdon)
1822 m. Gilly Masdon 30 Aug 1822 in Bullitt Co. KY
1840 Malvina Ricketts "dau. of Jonathan Ricketts" marries Joseph Milligan 5 May 1840
Bullitt Co. KY - Spencer Taylor, Baptist Minister, officiated

Ricketts, Letty
1820 census Washington Co. KY

Ricketts, Mary
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with no tithables, 133 acres in Bullitt Co. KY
1817 purchased a pot and a bridle collar at the estate sale of
Benjamin Lovelace dec'd returned 17 Feb 1817 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 513)

Ricketts, Peter
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Ben Frye's District - 1 white male over 21, no land
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
400 acres on Wilsons Creek, Nelson Co. KY
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on Wilsons Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY

Ricket, Rebecca
1820 census Jefferson Co. KY at Louisville

Ricketts, Robert & Ellenor (Allison)
5 Sep 1808 wife Ellenor is named in her father, Richard Allison's, will. Robert was deceased when it was written in April 1808 (Bullitt Co. Will Book A p. 59)

Rickets, Samuel A.
1861 Samuel A. Rickets of Henderson Co. IL appoints William A. Ricketts also of Henderson
Co. IL his power of attorney to handle inheritance due as one of the heirs of the
estate of Jonathan Rickets late of Bullitt Co. dec'd. (he signs Samuel (X) A. Rickets.
Wits Robert Kelly and Hugh L. Thomson - recorded first in Henderson Co. IL and in
Bullitt Co. 5 Mar 1861. [Bullitt Co. Deed Bk P. p.25]

Ricketts, Sarah
5 Sep 1808 granddaughter named in Richard Allison's, will. She was the dau. of Robert & Ellenor (Alison) Rickets (Bullitt Co. Will Book A p. 59)

Ricketts, Susanna Chesser
5 Sep 1808 granddaughter named in Richard Allison's, will. She was the dau. of Robert & Ellenor (Alison) Rickets (Bullitt Co. Will Book A p. 59)

Ricketts, William & Temperance
ca 1806 William Ricketts b. KY
1850 census Bullitt Co. KY

Rickets, William A.
1861 Samuel A. Rickets of Henderson Co. IL appoints William A. Ricketts also of Henderson
Co. IL his power of attorney to handle inheritance due as one of the heirs of the
estate of Jonathan Rickets late of Bullitt Co. dec'd. ([Bullitt Co. Deed Bk P. p.25]

Ricketts, Zachariah & 1. Sarah (Phillips) 2. Crissa (Carter)
1792 tax list of Washington Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 180 acres
1792 m. Sarah Phillips 15 Mar 1792 in Nelson Co. KY
1809 m. Crissa Carter 21 Jun 1809 in Washington Co. KY


Ridgeway, Benjamin W. & Nancy (Trunnell)
1830 Benjamin Ridgway marries Nancy Trunnel 12 Jan 1830 in Bullitt Co. KY
- James Simmons officiated

Ridgeway, James Wells. & Margaret C. (Brashear)
31 Jul 1827 James W. Ridgeway is b. Bullitt Co. KY (per 1860 census Bullitt Co. KY)
ca 1835 Margaret C. Brashears is born d/o Robert Brashears
1852 Jas. W. Ridgeway marries Margaret C. Brashear "daughter. of Ro. Brashear" 9 Mar 1852
Bullitt Co. KY - P. B. Samuels, E. W. B(aptist) Church, officiated

Ridgeway, John & Mary (Crume)
1807 m. Mary Crume 21 Oct 1807 in Nelson Co. KY

Ridgeway, John
1808 Thomas Mitchell is appointed Guardian of John Ridgeway, infant orphan of
Richard Ridgeway dec'd as Samuel Ridgeway had resigned guardianship. Mitchell
entered into bond with George Piercy Jr. (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders April Court, 1808)

Ridgeway, Joseph & Mary (Wells)
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 100 acres
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for 200 acres
8 Sep 1798 received land grant of 9 3/4 acres on Salt River in Bullitt Co. KY
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21, 2 16-21
154 3/4 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Harmen

Ridgeway, Joseph & Mar Wlls
1805 m. Mary Wells 29 May 1805 in Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land.

Ridgeway, Levi & Lavina (Peacock)
ca 1796 Levi Ridgeway is born in KY s/o Joseph Ridgeway
1816 m. Lavina Peacock 11 Jan 1816 in Bullitt Co. KY

Ridgeway, Paul
1820 census Hardin Co. KY at Little York

Ridgeway, Richard
1808 Thomas Mitchell is appointed Guardian of John Ridgeway, infant orphan of
Richard Ridgeway dec'd as Samuel Ridgeway had resigned guardianship. Mitchell
entered into bond with George Piercy Jr. (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders April Court, 1808)
(which Samuel are they referring to?)

Ridgeway, Richard
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Ridgway, Richmond & Jane (Brown)
1852 son George W. Ridgway born 3 Sep 1852 in Bullitt Co. KY to Richmond & Jane
(Brown) Ridgway (source: Bullitt Co. Birth Register)

Ridgeway, Samuel & Drusilla (Simmons)
Prince Georges Co. MD>KY
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 93 acres
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 2 white males over 21, 1 16-21
100 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY
Jun 1806 ordered to appraise the estate of Thomas Botaler dec'd (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 42)

Ridgeway, Samuel & Ruth (Brashear)
1815 m. Ruth Brashear 9 Feb 1815 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. 204 1/4 acres on Floyds Fork
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Ridgeway, Samuel & Mary (Graven)
1830 Samuel marries Mary Graven 11 Feb 1830 in Bullitt Co. KY
Jas. Simmons officiated (which Samuel is this?)

Ridgeway, Samuel & Phoebe (Ford)
1806 m. Phoebe Ford 1 May 1806 in Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Ridgeway, Samuel W. & Mary Ann (Grant)
s/o Joseph Ridgeway & Mary Wlls
1848 m. Mary Ann Grant 5 Oct 1848 in Bullitt Co. KY
(how many Samuels are above?)

Ridgeway, William & Nancy (Wells)
27 Aug 1805 m. Nancy Wells, Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.
204 1/4 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY
(not sure if all the entries above are for 1 William?)

Ridgeway, Druscilla - see Stone, John & Druscilla (Ridgeway)

Ridgeway, Priscey/Priscilla - see Wells, Benjamin & Priscey/Priscilla (Ridgeway)


Rightley, Abraham
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Rightley, Joseph
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land


Riley, Bailey & Polly Bridwell
31 Dec 1812 Bailey m. Polly Bridwell in Nelson Co. KY
1824 Agreement between John Simpson to Baily Dawson filed in Spencer Co. KY
Wits: Stephen Beard, Bailey Riley and George Riley Written 1 (or 11) Oct 1824.
Recorded same day [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk A p. 62]

Riley, Benjamin
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Riley, George
1824 Agreement between John Simpson to Baily Dawson filed in Spencer Co. KY
Wits: Stephen Beard, Bailey Riley and George Riley Written 1 (or 11) Oct 1824.
Recorded same day [Spencer Co. KY Deed Bk A p. 62]

Riley, James
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Riley, John
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Riley, Joseph
1805 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 150 acres on Clear Creek, Hardin Co. KY

Riley, Joseph
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Coxs Creek, Bullitt Co. KY

Riley, Michael
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
250 acres on Coxs Creek, Bullitt Co. KY

Riley, Reason
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (spelled Riely)
210 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY

Riley, Seth & Mahala (Griffin)
ca 1816 Seth Riley is born in NC
ca 1809 Mahala Griffin is born in KY d/o Reason Griffen & Nancy (Stringer)
1843 Seth marries Mahala Griffin "daughter of Reason Griffin" in Bullitt Co. KY 9 Apr 1843
J. H. Myers officiated
1850 census Spencer Co. KY, Dist 2 Seth Riley age 34 b. NC, Mahala age 39 b. KY, Martha E. age 6 b. KY
Josephina (which should be Isophina etc.) age 4 b. KY
1870 census Bond Co. IL - Okaw Twp. HH 145 - Seth Riley age 54 farmer b. NC, Mahala T. age 61
b. KY, Isaphine age 23 b. KY

Riley, Thomas W.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY - 1 white male over 21. No land.
1836 witnessed the will of William Alexander in Bullitt Co. KY
1851 deed left in Bullitt Co. KY - heirs of Samuel Allison to Henry Beghtol - mentions
land bought from Thomas W. Riley

Riley, William
1820 census Shelby Co. KY


Ringo, Albert & Kitty Liza Mason
1826 Albert marries Kitty Liza (?) Mason 26 Oct 1826 in Spencer Co. KY - Wm. Stout officiated

Ringo, Davis
1837 bond filed in Spencer Co. KY 7 Jan 1837 for marriage of George Hagerman
to Lavinia Calahan. Davis Ringo was bondsman

Ringo, John
1814 purchases a mare and two wedges at the sale for the estate of John Basey, dec'd
returned 19 Dec 1814 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 309)


Risley, David
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on Broad Run
first entered in the name of David Leitch
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1807 David (Jr.) and Elizabeth Parris sell land in Bullitt Co. to Nelson King. David Risley
and William King mentioned as neighbors.

Risley, David
ca 1791 born in Jefferson or Bullitt Co. KY s/o Elisha Risley
1853 death index of Jefferson Co. KY records the death of David Risley, age 62 years, single
born & resided on Broad Run, s/o Elisha Risley died on Broad Run Feb 1853 of Consumption
(is Elisha the same as Elihugh?)

Risley, Elihugh/Elihu
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. No land.
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Risley, James
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. No land.
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 200 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co.
1814 deed from John Gatewood of Jefferson Co. KY to John S. Hall of Bullitt Co. KY - for the sum
of $300 a parcel of land in Bullitt Co. on Broad Run containing 102 3/4 acres bordering lands of
William Askins, James Rizley, Nicholas Russell, George Jones & William King. Wits:
Meredith Cosby & Minor Mothershead. written 22 Mar 1814 Recorded 30 Jun 1832
[Bullitt Co. KY Deed Bk H p.7]
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
218 1/2 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
200 acres on Broad Run, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Leach
240 acres on Rock Creek, Grayson Co. KY first entered in the name of K. Kendel
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 268 1/2 acres on Floyds Fork

Risley, Jeremiah
1799 tax list of Washington Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Risley, John Sr.
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21, 200 acres on Broad Run
first entered in the name of David Leitch

Risley, John Jr.
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1800 Mentioned as a neighbor to William & Amy Crooks of Bullitt Co. when they sell to Bartlett
Foster of same 96 1/2 acres for 100 pounds land on Floyds Fork (Bullitt Co. Deed Bk A2 p. 182)

Risley, Samuel
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY at Mt. Vernon


Robards, Alfred J.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
400 acres on Green River, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Lewis

Robards, Granville C.
1825 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
400 acres on Green River, Ohio Co. KY first entered in the name of J. Lewis

Robards, Lewis & Hannah
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16 / 8 blacks total
(this list does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16 / 9 total. Also taxed for:
350 acres in Bullitt Co. on Cedar Creek, first entered in the name of Thomas Carlin? surv. J. Tilford
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY Hannah Robards taxed for 3 blacks over 16 / 8 total
350 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY also taxed as guardian of Margaret, Eliza, & Robard &
Franklin Robards for 1600 acres on Rough Creek, Ohio Co. KY

Robards, Mortimord D.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 5 total

Robards, Will. J.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 2 total


Rob, James
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 2 white males over 21, 2 16-21, 1 black over 16
(no land details on this list) [spelled Robs]

Rob, Thomas
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21
(no land details on this list) [spelled Robs]


Robins, Bartlett
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Robbins, Ryker
1790 is born
1808 Ryker Robbins, who is 17 years of age 12 Feb 1807 bound unto David Van Cleave, blacksmith
until he arrives at lawful age (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders April Court, 1808)

Robbins, Thomas
1876 marriage in Bullitt Co. KY for G. W. Purcell to Mary E. Hogland - 6 Dec 1876 at the bride's
home in Bullitt Co. - wits were Thos. Robins and Lewis Crigler.


Roberts, Alexander
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 / 2 blacks total. No land

Roberts, Benjamin & Sally (Simmons)
1801 m. Sally Simmons 16 July 1801 in Nelson Co. KY

Roberts, Berry
1808 ordered that Berry Roberts, infant aged about 7 years old be bound unto
Hance McClelland Taylor. (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders May Court, 1808)

Roberts, Diana
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No white male tithables, 5 blacks over 16/
9 blacks total. 273 acres on the Beech & Roling Fork in Nelson Co. KY

Roberts, E.
1824 Estate sale for the estate of Richard Irwin taken 2 July 1824 in Spencer Co. KY includes
" E. & John Roberts to account" (Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 3)

Robert, Jacob
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1810 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white tithable. 1 black over 16 / 2 total. No land.

Roberts, James
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)

Roberts, James
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white males over 21. 1 black over 16 / 3 total

Roberts, James W.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 2 total.
100 acres on Coxs Creek, Bullitt Co. KY

Roberts, John
1802 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Roberts, John
1824 Estate sale for the estate of Richard Irwin taken 2 July 1824 in Spencer Co. KY includes
"E. & John Roberts to account" (Spencer Co. Will Bk A p. 3)

Roberts, John & Debroah (Kimberlain)
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1799 m. Deborah Kimberlain 4 Oct 1799 in Bullitt Co. KY
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
247? Acres in Bullitt Co. on Coxs Creek, first entered in the name of Ben Pope
15 Oct 1805 purchased items at the estate sale of Wm. Shain (Bullitt Co. Will BK A)

Roberts, John B.
1824 The Honorable Wlliam L. Kelly, Circuit Judge (presiding?) Samuel Tevis,
Richard Rudd, John B. Thompson, Dabney C. Cosby, Caleb Ewing, George M.
Orilson, Lloyd Tevis, G---- R. Tompkins, Reuben D. N. Morgan, John B. Roberts and
William R. Grigsby Esq. licensed to practice law. [Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court 17 May 1824]

Roberts, Mortimore D
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 3 total

Roberts, N.
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No tithables
but 117 acres on Simpsons Creek

Roberts, Richard
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Roberts, Thomas F.(?)
1853 death register of Meade Co. KY lists Thomas F. Roberts age 75 (?) , married,
born in NC s/o John & Winifred Roberts died 25 Apr 1853 of Typhoid fever

Roberts, William
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.

Roberts, William
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
105 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY


Roberson, John
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
50 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY

Roberson, John
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
96 acres on Goose Creek, Bullitt Co. KY


Robinson, Elbert & Diana P. (Thomas)
ca 1815 Elbert is born in KY or TN
ca 1817 Dianna is born in KY
1835 Elbert m. Diana P. Thomas 25 Apr 1835 in Hardin Co. KY. Groom was of age - Sarah Bland,
mother of Diana gave consent for her daughter. Wits: L. M. Daughterty and Letticia Daugherty
T. Chilton officiated. Sarah Bland remarried 7 Jul 1836 in Hardin Co. KY to Israel Standaford
surety was Lodowick M. Daughterty. Marriage says both bride and groom had been married before.
1850 census of Hardin Co. KY Elbert Robinson listed as follows: Elbert H. age 37 carpenter b. KY
Diann P. age 34 b. KY. Robinson children in household: Letitia E. age 14 b. KY, Louisa age 10
b. IL, Lloyd age 6 b. KY, Thomas R. age 4 b. KY, John L. age 2 b. KY, Elbert H. age 9 months
b. KY
1860 census of Hardin Co. KY Elbert Robinson family listed as follows: Elbert age 45, carpenter, $300/$280
born in TN, Dianna Robinson age 43 b. KY - Robinson children in household: Louisa age 19 b. IL,
Lloyd age 17 b. KY, Thomas R. age 15 b. KY, John L. age 12 b. KY, Elbert age 10 b. KY, Richard V.
age 19 b. KY, Rachel age 7 b. KY, Samuel W. age 2 b. KY, Flora A. age 3 months b. KY

Robinson, James
1795 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
(no land details on this list)

Robinson, James & Catharine (Rowlan)
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21. No land
24 Aug 1821 Court rules that James Robinson, commr. For Joshua Stansbury, a lunatic, is
entitled to the sum of $90 for purchases (primarily clothing) (Bullitt Co. Circuit Court Minutes)
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.
275 1/4 acres on Coxs Creek, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Stansberry
2 unimproved lots in Shepherdsville valued at $150

Robinson, James Jr.
1824 m. Catharine Rowlan 1 Nov 1824 in Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land (noted as Jr. on this list)

Robinson, James
1794 tax list of Mercer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16/3 total
500 acres Mercer Co. KY
360 acres Nelson Co. KY

Robinson, James
1805 Last will & testament of James Robinson was produced in court and ordered to be recorded
(Shelby Co. KY Court Orders - August Court 1805)

Robinson, John
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Robinson, John S. & Jane (Burdett)
1819 m. Jane Burdett 4 Apr 1819 in Bullitt Co. KY
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Robinson, Samuel
1796 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1814 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 200 acres on Younger Creek

Robinson, Thomas
1824 Inventory of the estate of John Shacklett dec'd returned 10 Apr 1824 by Geo.
C. Gorridge, Thos. Robinson, George Humphrey and Benjamin Shaver.
Total $900.75 Recorded 23 Aug 1824 Meade Co. KY Court (Meade Co. KY Will Bk A p. 1)
1824 - when William Wimp made purchases at the estate sale of Jonathan Simmons
it mentions one entry reads 1 hoe, 1 axe, 2 slays Thos. Robinson
[Meade Co. KY Will Bk A p. 7] (this could be that he bought these things on the
behalf of Thomas Robinson or that Thomas Robinson had some interest in them
or that they squeezed these purchases into the section designated for William Wimps
purchases - hard to say)

Robinson, William
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Ruby, Asa
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.

Roby, Barton
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1812 ordered that Barton Robey be appointed commissioner of the revenue tax for the present
year in the bounds of Captain Slack's company (source: Hardin Co. Court Order Book. 30 Feb 1812)
1840 census of Hardin Co. Ky shows Barton as head of household with 1 white male 70-80
and 1 white female 30-40

Roby, Catharine
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Coxes Creek
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY

Ruby, David
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21
83 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Matthew Rodgers

Roby, Edward & Maria Bell
1854 Edward Roby marries Maria Bell 25 Oct 1854 in Bullitt Co. KY "daughter of Wm. Bell"
R. Samuels, Minster of the Baptist Church, officiated [this from the return] Bullitt Co. KY
Marriage Registry for 1854 says Edward was 26, single, born Bullitt Co. and Maria J. Bell
was 21 born Bullitt Co. KY. It looks like the marriage date on the registry is 20 Oct
but the return shows 25 Oct.

Roby, James P. & Angeline (Simmons)
1844 James P. m. Angeline Simmons 18 Aug 1844 - H. C. Allen, Methodist Episcopal Church officiated

Roby, John
1840 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 2 white males over 21 and 117 acres on Goose Creek.

Roby, Josiah & Eliza
ca 1821 daughter Mary J. is born in Nelson Co. KY (see Mary J. Hickman)

Roby, Lawrence
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 165 acres
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
(this list only has count/does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
also taxed for 175 3/4 acres in Bullitt Co. on Coxs Creek
1817 estate appraisal for Lawrence Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Roby, Lawrence & 1. (_____) 2. Nancy (____) (Ritchie)
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.
100 acres on Salt River, Bullitt Co. KY
1840 Lawrence Roby Jr. marries Mrs. Nancy Ritchie "widow of Jesse Ritchie dec'd"
8 Aug 1840 in Bullitt Co. KY. G. W Crumbaugh, Methodist Episcopal minister, officiated

Roby, Owen
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land.
1838 estate appraisal of Owen Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Ruby, Peter
1801 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21

Roby, Reason & Catherine "Kitty" (Simmons)
1814 m. Kitty Simmons 13 Jan 1814 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21
210 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1844 will of Reason Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Roby, William & Emily (Coffer)
1802 m. Emily Coffer 23 Dec 1802 in Nelson Co. KY
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. No land.
1834 estate sale for William Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY


Rogers, Daniel
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 50 acres

Rodgers, Edward
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16 / 2 total. No land.
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 5 blacks total
500 acres on Bear Creek in Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Geo. Rodgers
9 Jan 1806 appraised the estate of Noah Summers, dec'd (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 41)
1829 estate settlement for Edward Rogers left in Bullitt Co. KY

Rogers, Elizabeth
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY - whose widow?
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 5 total
317 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Larue

Rodgers, Evan
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (spelled Even)

Rodgers, George
1794 tax list of Mercer Co. KY - Edward/Edmund Rodgers paid tax on behalf of George Rodgers for
1000 acres in Shelby Co. KY
1441 acrs Logan Co. KY

Rogers, James
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Ben Frye's District - 1 white male over 21, 1000 acres
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
600 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered "in his own name"

Rodgers, James Jr.
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Rodgers, James
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
150 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered "in his own name"

Rogers, Joseph
6 Oct 1808 Joseph m. Anne Lane in Nelson Co. KY

Rogers, Mathew
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Ben Frye's District - 1 white male over 21, 300 acres
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 4 total
150 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered "in his own name"
(noted as Sr. on this list)

Rogers, Mathew Jr
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Ben Frye's District - 1 white male over 21, 83 acres
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
200 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Jas. Rodgers
(noted as Jr. on this list)
Rogers, Presly
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.

Rodgers, Silas C. & Mary
1864 Silas Rodgers is born in KY
ca 1889 Silas marries Mary in KY
1900 census Bullitt Co. KY Pine Tavern District HH 115
shows Silas Rodgers b. Jan 1864 age 36 married 11 years
Mary (wife) b. March (?) 1872 age 28 married 11 years mother of 4 /4 living
Lelia (dau) b. Aug 1889 age 10, Nannie (?) M. (dau) b. Dec 1893 age 6,
Clarence B. (son) b. Jun 1877 age 2, Silas G. (son) b. Jan 1900 age 4 mo.
everyone in HH b. KY with parents b. KY.

Rogers, Thomas
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21

Rodgers, William
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 2 total
200 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Jas. Rodgers


Romain, Baley
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21. No land.

Romine, Christopher
1793 tax list of Jefferson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 (no land details on this list)

Romine, Fielding
1830 census Shelby Co. KY
1840 census Shelby Co. KY

Romans, Jacob & Sarah (Hensley)
ca 1791 Jacob Romans is born in VA
ca 1800 Sarah Hensley is born in VA d/o Samuel G. & Rebecca Jane Hensley,
1815 Jacob Romans marries Sarah Hensley 16 Mar 1815 in Hardin Co. KY.
1850 census Jacob & Sarah are living next to her parents in Monroe Co. IN, Benton Twp.
their ages are given as 59 and 49 - both b. VA

Romain, James
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21. No land.
1810 census Shelby Co. KY
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Roman, John B.
1840 census Nelson Co. KY

Romine, Peter
1799 tax list of Washington Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
130 acres on Chaplins Fork, Wash. Co. KY first entered in the name of Anthony Hunley (Hundley)
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Romine, Samuel
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Romain, William
1807 tax list of Shelby Co. KY taxed for 1 white male over 21. No land.
1810 census Shelby Co. KY - William Romine
1820 census Shelby Co. KY

Romine, William & Elizabeth
ca 1815 William Romine is born in KY
ca 1820 Elizabeth is born
1850 census shows William & Elizabeth Romine with household in Nelson Co. KY


Roof, Martin
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on Nolinn Creek, Hardin Co. KY first patented to John Deremiah

Roof, Michael
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 250 acres on Nolinn Creek, Hardin Co.
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 250 acres on Middle Creek, Hardin Co.

Roof, Nicholas
1796 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21. No land
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on Middle Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of John My and J. Haney (?)
480 acres on Middle Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Wm. May
50 acres on Nolinn Creek, Hardin Co. KY first patented in the name of John Deremiah
140 acres on Middle Creek, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of Nicholas Roof


Rose, Edward
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. No land

Rose, Lewis
1812 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
100 acres in Hardin Co. on Green River

Rose, Martin
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21, 1 black under 16
150 acres on Salt River & Floyds Fork first entered in the name of John Floyd
1792 tax list for Nelson Co. KY (district becomes part of Bullitt Co.)
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for 150 acres
in Bullitt Co. KY on Salt River, first entered in the name of James Leach/Linch
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 4 blacks over 16
150 acres on Salt River in Bullitt Co. KY
ca 1813 dau. Nancy is born in Bullitt Co. KY
1853 dau. Nancy dies in Daviess Co. KY – death registry there reads: Nancy Harrel, age 49,
died 27 Apr 1853 of Typhoid Fever, born Bullitt Co. KY d/o Martin Rose

Rose, Matthias
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 4 blacks total
600 acres on Floyds Fork first entered in the name of David Leitch
1797 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for 600 acres
in Bullitt Co. KY on "Floids Fork" , first entered in the name of John Leach & Surveyed to Gottleib Rose.
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY (no tithables shown)


Ross, Joseph
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
150 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Morris Brady


Roundtree, Dudley
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21 1 16-21, 3 blacks over 16 / 4 total
334 acres on Green River, Barren Co. KY first entered in the name of Richard Clark
200 acres on Green River, Barren Co. KY first entered in the name of Isaac Woolard
69 acres on Green River, Lincoln Co. KY first entered in the name of William Printis
200 acres on Paint Lick Creek, Garrard Co. KY first surveyed in the name of James Parberry
82 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name of George Walton
400 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name George Walton
45 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name George Walton
90 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY first entered in the name George Walton
75 acres on Green River, Green Co. KY first entered in the name Owen Owens
200 acres on Green River, Barren Co. KY first entered in the name Barney Walters
130 acres on Green River, Barren Co. KY first entered in the name Richard Clark
1813 ordered that Robert W. Dorsey be appointed commissioner of the revenue tax
for the present year in the bounds of Capt. Elijah Creal's Company of Militia
[Hardin Co. KY Court Orders 8 Feb 1813]
1813 On motion of Philp Rowett it is ordred that Isaac Finley, Dudley Roundtree and Isaac
Ward or any two be appointed commissioners (cannot make out what they were supposed
to be doing) [Hardin Co. KY Court Orders 8 Feb 1813]


Rouse, Alfred
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.

Rouse, Allen
25 Apr 1822 m. Elizabeth Bolton in Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1830 census Bullitt Co. KY

Rouse, Anderson
1840 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rouse, George
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21

Rouse, Martin
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21

Rouse, Michael
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21 (this list does not detail land)
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. 50 acres on Coxes Creek

Rouse, Moses
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
8 April 1805 purchased livestock at the estate sale of Humphrey Simmons (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 13)
1806 Deed from Samuel & Hannah Brashear to Moses Rouse - Bullitt Co.
1807 Deed from Moses & Sarah Rouse to William Shurley - Bullitt Co.
1810 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white tithable. No land.
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land.
1830 census Bullitt Co. KY
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, no land
1840 census Breckinridge Co. KY

Rouse, Nancy
1830 census Washington Co. KY
1840 census Marion Co. KY

Rouse, Squire
ca 1807 Squire Rouse is born in KY
1834 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, no land
1850 census Bullitt Co. KY

Rouse, William
1810 R. Bane & Wm. Rouse purchase 1 pair of looking glasses at the estate
sale for Joseph Bane dec’d 9 Jun 1810 (Nelson Co. Will Bk C p. 142)
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. with 1 white male over 21, 30 acres on Cane Run, Fayette Co. KY
first entered in the name of William Tandy
1812 tax list of Nelson Co. KY, 1 white male over 21, 23 acres in Fayette Co. KY on Cane Run.
1820 census Nelson Co. KY
1830 census Shelby Co. KY


Row. John
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on Nolinn Creek
first entered in the name of P(hilip) Philips
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21
100 acres on Nolinn Creek, first entered in the name of Phillip Phillips


Rowan, Finley & Maria
ca 1799 Finley Rowan born KY
1850 census Nelson Co. KY - Finley age 50 years, Maria age 45 years

Rowan, John
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 3 white males over 21. 3 blacks over 16 / 8 total
343 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of G. Hart
1807 Deed: Isaac Lansdale, by the Sheriff, to John Rowan (Nelson Co. Deed Bk 12 p. 212
(source: Nelson Co. KY Grantor Index)
1810 census Nelson Co. KY
1816 Deed: Richard Lansdale Hrs. to John Rowan (Nelson Co. Deed Bk 12 p. 212
(source: Nelson Co. KY Grantor Index)
1830 census Nelson Co. KY

Rowan, Stephen
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land



Rowlett, Littleberry
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Rowlett, Phillip
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21, 2 blacks over 16 / 5 total
400 acres on Green River, Hardin Co. KY, first entered in the name of William Ferrill
1813 On motion of Philp Rowett it is ordred that Isaac Finley, Dudley Roundtree and Isaac
Ward or any two be appointed commissioners (cannot make out what they were supposed
to be doing) [Hardin Co. KY Court Orders 8 Feb 1813]


Rowls, Gloster
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (sic) with notation "a free Negro"

Rowls, Jesse
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. (sic) with notation "a free Negro"


Rude, Asher
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 16-21. No land.
1803 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 50 acres on Nolinn Creek

Rude, Elizabeth
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male 16-21
50 acres on Nolin Creek first entered in the name of Isaac Larue and patented to John Daniel
(is this the widow of Asher Rude?)

Rude, George
1799 tax list of Washington Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.

Rude, John
1799 tax list of Washington Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
100 acres on the Rolling Fork, Washington Co. KY

Rudd, Richard
1824 The Honorable Wlliam L. Kelly, Circuit Judge (presiding?) Samuel Tevis, Richard
Rudd, John B. Thompson, Dabney C. Cosby, Caleb Ewing, George M. Orilson,
Lloyd Tevis, G---- R. Tompkins, Reuben D. N. Morgan, John Be. Roberts and WIlliam R.
Grigsby Esq. licensed to practice law. [Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court 17 May 1824]

Rude, Thompson
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Rummage, Daniel
1819 Tax list of Bullitt Co. with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1823 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY - 1 white male over 21. No land.


Rumsey, Charles
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land.


Runecker, Caspar
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for 650 acres in Washington Co. KY on the Rolling Fork

Runecker, George
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for 200 acres in Ohio Co. KY
on Green River


Runner, Michel
1797 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
132 acres on the Beech Fork, Nelson Co. KY, first entered in the name of Joseph Barnett
200 acres on Rough Creek in Hardin Co. KY, first entered "in his own name"


Rush, Conrad
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21, 70 acres on Floyds Fork
first entered in the name of Craven Peyton

Rush, John
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 (this list does not detail land)
1824 Inventory of the estate of William A. Clark returned & recorded 19 Nov 1824.
Total: $615.50 "at a county court held at the court house at John Rushes 25 Oct 1824 the
appraisement was produced by Lewright B. Clark, one of the Admrs. (Meade Co. KY Will Bk A p. 2)

Rush, Samuel & Sarah (Willson)
1828 license granted in Bullitt Co. KY for Samuel Rush/Rust to marry Sarah Willson
daughter of Jesse Willson - am uncertain if this is RUST or RUSH
1839 Jesse Willson leaves will in Bullitt Co. KY - Wits: John J. Norris, Permelia
C. Gilmore and Sarah Rush - Sarah also named as daughter & heir.

Rush, Thomas
1824 - when William Wimp made purchases at the estate sale of Jonathan Simmons
it mentions 2 sows and pigs "Thomas Rush" . Then entry is cryptic - it could mean
William purchased the livestock for Thomas Rush or it could also mean that
Thomas purchased it and the people just stuck the entry in where there was room
[Meade Co. KY Will Bk A p. 7]


Russell, Bay--
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21.

Russell, Benjamin & Phebe (Clark)
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. No land
1812 m. Phebe Clark 12 Mar 1812 in Bullitt Co. KY
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY, 1 white male over 21. No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1832 deed from the heirs of Nichoals Russell to Thomas Russell

Russell, Daniel
1820 census Jefferson Co. KY

Russell, Daniel
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. No land

Russell, Daniel
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Russell, H.
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16. No land

Russell, James
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. No land
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 70 acres on Simpsons Creek
first entered in the name of W. Davis

Russell, James
1824 served on jury in the case of George McGrew vs. Joseph L. McGee - in Debt
[Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court 17 May 1824]
1824 James Russell vs. Peyton Simpson [Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court 17 May 1824]
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 60 acres on Plumb Creek

Russell, John
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 50 acres on Floyds Fork
first entered in the name of Leech
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21 No land.
1807 Deed from Thomas & Milderann Wildman to John Russell, all of Bullitt Co. KY - 36 pounds
for 80 acres conveyed by Thomas Conn by William Roberson and to him by Alexander
Breckinridge and Jane his wife - land bordered a tract on Plum Creek & Floyds Fork
first surveyed to James Warren (Bullitt Co. KY Deed Book B p. 152)
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1832 deed from the heirs of Nichoals Russell to Thomas Russell
(are these all the same John?)

Russell, Joseph
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 77 acres on Plumb Creek
1836 Isaac Howard files bond to marry Belinda Akers 20 Oct 1836
in Spencer Co. KY. Bondsman was Joseph Russell
1840 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 black over 16
and 220 acres on Plumb Creek

Russell, Nathaniel & Elizabeth (Hokes)
1852 slave George born 15 Mar 1852 in Spencer Co. KY. Master listed as Nathaniel Russell
(source: Spencer Co. Birth Register)
1853 dau. Lucinda Russell is born 27 Dec 1853 in Spencer Co. KY. Father listed as
Nathaniel Russel Mother: Elizabeth Hokes, residents of Spencer Co. KY
(source: Spencer Co. Birth Register)

Russell, Nicholas & 1. Lucy (Hubbard) 2. Judah (Noland)
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21, 150 acres on Broad Run
first entered in the name of David Leitch
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 150 acres on Floyds Fork
first entered in the name of Leech
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
150 acres in Bullitt Co. on Broad Run, first entered in the name of D(avid) Leach
1814 deed from John Gatewood of Jefferson Co. KY to John S. Hall of Bullitt Co. KY - for the sum
of $300 a parcel of land in Bullitt Co. on Broad Run containing 102 3/4 acres bordering lands of
William Askins, James Rizley, Nicholas Russell, George Jones & William King. Wits:
Meredith Cosby & Minor Mothershead. written 22 Mar 1814 Recorded 30 Jun 1832
[Bullitt Co. KY Deed Bk H p.7]
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
153 acres on Broad Run, Bullitt Co. KY
10 Oct 1816 m. Lucy Hubbard in Bullitt Co. KY
28 Sep 1818 m. Judah Noland in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY, 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 3 total
153 1/4 acres on Floyds Fork in Bullitt Co. KY
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 Deed from Nicholas Russell to the heirs of James Lashbrook, dec'd $65.00 for acres
on Broad Run "near the Broad Run meeting house on the side of the road leading from
Shelbyville to Mt. Vernon. Wits were Samuel Brown, Ely B. Burkhead and John Lashbrook.
Written 9 Oct 1825 (Bullitt Co. Deed Bk F p. 91)
1829 deed transfer of slaves from Nicholas Russell Sr. to grandson Nicholas Russell Jr. in Bullitt Co.
1832 deed from the heirs of Nichoals Russell to Thomas Russell

Russell, Nicholas Jr.
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land (noted as Jr. on this list)
1829 deed from Nicholas Russell Sr. to grandson Nicholas Russell Jr. in Bullitt Co.

Russell, Robert
1824 serves on jury in Spencer Co. KY [Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court 17 May 1824]

Russell, Samuel
1811 tax list of Nelson Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 100 acres first entered in the name of Terrill

Russell, Thomas & Charity (Cornwell)
30 Dec 1799 m. Charity Cornwell in Bullitt Co. KY
1803 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 black (over 16?)
1805 tax list of Bullitt Co. Ky with 1 white male over 21. 100 acres on Floyds Fork
first entered in the name of Leech
1807 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. Also taxed for:
156 acres in Bullitt Co. on Broad Run
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
156 acres on Broad Run, Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY, 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16.
156 acres on Broad Run, Bullitt Co. KY
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21. 1 black over 16
156 acres on Broad Run, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Leach
1832 deed from the heirs of Nichoals Russell to Thomas Russell
1844 will of Thomas Russell left in Bullitt Co. KY

Russell, William
8 Apr 1784 Satisfactory proof that William Russell is the Heir of his father, Benj. Russell
(Jefferson Co. Court Order Bk 1)
1796 tax list of Jefferson Co. 1 white male over 21 (is perhaps the one in court in 1784)

Russell, William
1824 George Bean Pltf. vs. Nicholas G. Cromwell, Deft - in Covenant - jury: Richard Naill/Neall,
John Henson, Craven Peyton, Levi Carrico, William Russell, Robert Crooke, Robt. Ford,
Henson Dongan, Abraham Tilly, John Beard, Abner Norman and Joseph Nation
Jury found for the plaintiff for the sum of $70.28 in damages [Spencer Co. KY Circuit Court
17 May 1824]

Russell, William
1828 tax list of Spencer Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 225 acres on Plumb Creek


Rust, George
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
400 acres on Nolinn Cree, first entered in the name of Phillip Phillips
900 acres on Brush Creek, Green Co. KY first entered in the name of Wm. Lovering/Loveing

Rust, Samuel Y. & Sarah (Willson)
1828 Samuel Rust marries Sarah Willson "dau. of Jesse Willson" 15 May 1828 in Bullitt Co. KY
1830 census Bullitt Co. KY
1835 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land. (Y. given as middle initial)
1838 Sarah is mentioned in her father, Jesse Wilson's, will in Bullitt Co. KY (Bullitt Co. Will Bk C p. 76)


Ryker, Gerardus
1808 Geradus Ryker appointed constable of Shelby Co. (Shelby Co. KY Court Orders April Court, 1808)


Ryla?, John
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21 (this list does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21
Bullitt Co. Circuit Court Order Book

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