Anne Livingston created these quick notes, and we have attempted to restore them here. Please keep in mind that these notes should be used as guides for research, and not as always trusted sources. We are grateful to Anne for the time she put in as she compiled this information.
At the top of each page you will find a name index. Selecting a name will take you to the first entry for it on that page. Using your BACK button will return you to the top of the page. You may also use the site search page to locate information.
Aban - Awbrey
Babcock - Bennett
Berdine - Bridwell
Bright - Buzan
Cahoe - Claxon
Clark - Cook
Cooley - Cursey
Dadisman - Dyson
Eades - Ewing
Faith - Furman
Gaines - Guthrie
Hagan - Henson
Herbert - Hynes
Iles - Joyce
Kalfus - Kuykendall
Lacassagne - Lyons
Mackey - McFall
McGarvey - Myers
Nail - Owen
Paddock - Purdy
Quartermous - Ryla
Samuels - Shively
Shock - Snowder
Sorrels - Sypes
Talbot - Voras
Waddle - Wheeler
Whitaker - Zimmerman
Anne wrote the following comments with her original pages.
While transcriptions and abstracts may be sent easily to the archives, I find I have many small bits and pieces of information that alone don't mean much, but gathered together might help someone.
The main focus of this research is on Bullitt Co. families (and those with kinship ties to them) but they also draw from surrounding counties: primarily Bullitt, Spencer, Jefferson, Hardin, Shelby, Nelson & Washington counties. They might include sightings on tax lists, estate sales, land transactions, census, marriages etc. Sightings are from original documents unless no source is shown with the exception of marriages. Marriage sources are not noted UNLESS I have not seen an entry in an original or in a database to confirm that marriage.
Other details linking children to parents etc. that do not show sources mean they have been so kindly supplied by other researchers (primarily at KY Bullitt List) helping me flesh out families and giving me help with when they died etc. When new additions are made for the QuickNotes they are first posted first to the list for help identifying or adding to/correcting/helping since there are many people on the list who are expert with their particular family. This project has the input of many different people and my thanks to every one of you!
Please note that in spite of being pulled from original documents there is room for misunderstanding / misidentification.
In other words items have been grouped together under a name with the best guess that it is the same John Allen but in most cases it is a BEST GUESS and should be taken as such.
Spelling: Since names frequently are spelled in different ways, if you don't find the name your are looking for look carefully look for alternate spellings. In some cases names that are CLOSE have been grouped together ie the Grabbs are with the Grubbs in the hopes that the more is collected the easier it will be to tell if there truly were Grubbs AND Grabbs in the county or if its just a spelling variation. [hint: if you go up to your edit pull-down menu on your browser and choose find you may put in the name you are after and it will take you to entries with that name if they are on the page]
For the most part I have grouped all entries under a specific given name unless I have some clue that this is a second person by the same name.
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