Bullitt County GenWeb

Migrations Menu

In working with migrations to Bullitt Co. - much like studying its families in general - it is impossible to get far being caught up with county lines. Therefore this project covers the areas cut from what was once Nelson Co. as well as early Jefferson Co. KY - primarily the counties of Bullitt, Spencer, Shelby, Jefferson, Hardin, Meade, Nelson and Washington counties (and indirectly Larue Co. which cut from Hardin Co. later)

In early days these areas had fairly distinctive migration paths. The primary ones are listed below.

The hope of this project (still very much in its infancy) is not to simply provide a registry of where people migrated from but to identify the clustering of families that might have come together or find reasons that affected where they chose to settle.

These little groups are often the gene pools for those missing grandmothers, or the answer to "how did they get hooked up with?" It is hoped they may help solve some mysteries or at the least give better understanding about why people made the choices they did.



  • old Rowan & Guilford Counties
    primarily present day Rowan, Guilford, Stokes, Surry, Yadkin, Forsyth, Rockingham, Davidson, Wilkes, Randolph & Caswell Cos. which seem to be the main areas that sent people to this part of Kentucky)



U.S. GenWeb
Kentucky GenWeb

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