Bullitt County GenWeb

Kentucky Resource and Research Links

Family Search Research Wiki to Kentucky

Kentucky GenWeb & Kentucky GenWeb Archives

Kentuckiana Digital Library
has everything from guides to digitized records

The following sources may be found in Google Books.

History of Kentucky Baptists 1769-1885
History of Methodism in Kentucky
The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky


Hardin County Clerk's Archive

Kentucky Probate 1792-1977 FamilySearch.
These are digitized versions of the original bond books, will books etc. and vary in content by county. There is no general search for them but most volumes have an index at the front. That will tell you if the person left an estate but remember your ancestor may appear in documents as witnesses, buyers, heirs etc. and not show in the index at the front.


Chronicling America
This is the digitized newspaper project from the Library of Congress.
This link takes you to the page showing what papers have been digitized.

Kentucky Digital Library

U.S. GenWeb
Kentucky GenWeb

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