Welcome to
Bullitt County GenWeb

Bullitt County is located in north-central Kentucky, surrounded by Jefferson, Spencer, Nelson, and Hardin counties. Its waterways are primarily the Salt and Rolling Fork rivers and their tributaries. The county seat is Shepherdsville, and its other main cities include Mt. Washington, Lebanon Junction, and Hillview, as well as numerous smaller towns.

Genealogically speaking, its historical records date back to its founding as a county in 1797, and even further in the earliest records of Jefferson and Nelson counties, including deeds, wills, and marriage records.

This site, sponsored by the Kentucky GenWeb, and hosted by the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is designed as a depository of such records, as well as links to other sources available on the internet. We hope you will find it useful.

Tom Hembrey and Anne Livingston worked hard to build the original site, and much of what you will find here represents their efforts. We are grateful to them for all they accomplished.

Use our Table of Contents page to find links to what we have available here. You may also use our Search page to search for specific information.

Charlie Hartley
County Coordinator

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